Family Law:
- $150.00 per hr
- Mileage calculated at $0.45 per Km.
- any incurred cost such as hotel rooms.
Med.- Arb.
- $250.00 per hr
- Mileage calculated at $0.45 per Km.
- any incurred cost such as hotel rooms.
- $350.00 per hr
- Mileage calculated at $0.45 per Km.
- any incurred cost such as hotel rooms.
Screening for Domestic Violence
and Power Imbalances
- Screening fees are charged at a maximum of $450.00, per family screened. That is $150 ea. which is $300 for a couple plus $150 for the children if applicable. This does not include taxes.
Note: Please refer to the contract for all the details of the fee schedule and the related retainers.